Also the tech support people I spoke to were polite, quick to respond, and seemed to know exactly what they could and could not do to help me.I think I may have answered my own question! Not sure why, but apparently simply plugging in headphones doesn't necessarily start them working and turn off the internal speakers. Onenote + stylus is almost priceless for creating a paperless environment, and my biggest frustration is the fact that I really want to be using it now. The surface pro (for when I was using it) has been amazing for my job as a maths teacher. Not to be too negative in all of this though. This would save them, and myself from going through the process of contacting tech support again, ticking all the boxes again, and then sending my surface for replacement. The other thing I believe that MS aus could have done better give a receipt/order number, take my email/phone number, and contact me the moment they have the ability to accept and replace my surface pro. Yes I see that is not even remotely cost effective for MS due to the individual shipping cost, but it is a premium product that shouldn't suffer a major malfunction after 1 month of use.

I feel like the Aus tech support could have taken my surface pro on my behalf and got a replacement through the US.

I do feel like MS service could be better for such a large company. Look, I don't want to sound like I am complaining too much, because I understand I imported a product not supported in Aus and there are risks when you do that. 2) Send it to 'someone' in the US who can then send it to MS US, and repeat the cycle back to me. 1) Wait until it is released in Aus, contact tech support again the day of release, and get a replacement over here. I asked them about a replacement, and there are two options. After following the tech support options from microsoft a couple of weeks ago (which didn't fix the problem) I contacted Microsoft Australia again.